Últimamente me apetece experimentar, sobre todo con las paredes, así que decidí hacer una serie de murales. El resultado quizá no os guste, pero a mí me parece una forma de hacer una habitación diferente. Para ver el efecto hice unas habitaciones rapiditas:
I feel like experimenting, especially with walls, so I have done some murals. Perhaps you don't like the result, but I think it's a way of doing a different room. To see the effect I did a few of quick rooms:Las dos últimas iban a ser unas habitaciones de prueba pero me he liado y tal se conviertan en una casa.
Two last ones were going to be test rooms but maybe they turn into a full house.
* Clic sobre las imágenes para ampliar.
*Clic on images to zoom.
9 comentarios:
Its unique, very beautiful and very welldone. Indeed add a lot to any room.
Its always great what you'll come up next!
Thank you for share, Seica :)
Thank you Kate, but I think you're the only one that wants to have them. I'll send you a message with them if you want.
Thank you again, you're always there.
I don't think so, Seica.
I believe many of us, players, would be thrilled by yours creations.
May I ask you why don't you advise your beautiful work out there, particularlly in the US forums? Like reflex creators updates? Please, don't be shy!
Meanwhile, if you place a link, I would love to have these beautiful sets in game!
Thank you :)
Well, it's a very small blog, thought for a small group of friends. I make recolors because it's funny to me, but sometimes people turn it into a competition (who has more downloads, more comments,...) and I don't like that. It's only a game and I'm trying to continue on this way.
I dont know if I have expressed myself well.
Yes, you expressed yourself very well :) I also understand why you keep a low profile in this community.
I'm glad I've found your blog and fantastic works though.
Thank you so much for the links to the murals, Seica!
Fantastico trabajo, como siempre
Es una alegria que hayas recuperado las ganas de recolorear y de hacer cosas, una fantástica noticia
Gracias fizz. La verdad es que la mayoría de las cosas ya las tenía hechas, las típicas que te parecen poco y no te animas a subir pero que se van acumulando y al final son un montón; y como no las vaya subiendo ahora ya no lo hago nunca. Pero sí, creo que me siento más cómoda así, en un pequeño rincón donde sé que sólo me leéis unos pocos.
Gracias otra vez por comentar.
Kate is correct Gritto, many players including me love your stuff. So keep it up, because these are beautiful!
Thanks for these
I would love to copy rooms above, but where can I get all this furniture?
Yes, you are allowed to hit me if I happen to "Blind".
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